How to create flutter package for
Hi, folks how are you all, so, in this article, we are about to learn how to create a flutter package. In this article we only see the basic step that we have to do to create a package, we will use the default code.
let’s start first we have to create a flutter package using an android studio but if you want to create it using the command line use this command.
Step 1:-
flutter create — template=package package_name
Step 2:-
Create a git repository and upload your package into git.
git init
git add — all
git commit -m “initial commit”
git remote add origin git link
git push -u origin master
Your file structure is something looks like this.
In lib -> you have to write your package code.
In test -> you can write the test cases. -> you can write the changes with date and description.
LICENSE -> you write your license.
pubspec.yaml -> you can write your project description and import assets, etc.
## [version] - Date* explanations about changes.
I am choosing an open-source MIT LICENSE.
MIT License
Copyright (c) [2020][Osama Asif]
write your name in the license.
Step 3:-
Now come to the code section.
As I told you I am using a sample code to show you how to create a flutter package. You can write your code as per your requirement.
Step 4:-
Before publishing the package push your code to the git repository.
for a dry run, your package uses the below command.
flutter pub publish --dry-run
use the below command to publish the package into
The next step is publishing to, but be sure that you are ready because publishing is forever:
flutter packages pub publish
now we know how to create and publish a flutter package.
find out more articles.